CABIN and CB3 Club: The CABIN (originally Cognition and Biopsych in Nebraska) brown bag series features speakers and presentations relating to Cognition and Neuroscience, broadly defined.  The talks take place every other Monday at 12:30 pm in B60 CB3.  CB3 Guest Speakers and Department Guest Speakers are also often accomodated during these times.  CB3 Club takes place on off weeks of CABIN at the same time in the same room.  Whereas CABIN tends to be more formal research-driven presentations, CB3 club can serve a variety of different purposes (journal club, roundtable discussion of academic issues, job and career advice).  We are happy to receive recommendations for topics/issues you would like to see addressed in CB3 Club.  The current schedule and record of past talks appears below.

Fall 2024


September 16:
September 30: Allison Skinner (University of Georgia)
October 14:
October 28: Janelle Beadle (UNO)
November 11:
November 25: Mei Grace Behrendt
December 9: Yingying Wang

CB3 Club

September 9: The importance of stupidity in scientific research (Schwartz, 2008) and The importance of indifference in scientific research (Schwartz, 2015)

September 23: The replication crisis is not a crisis of false positives (Bak-Colemen et al., 2024 pre-print)

October 7: Error Tight: Exercises for Lab Groups to Prevent Research Mistakes (Strand, 2023)

November 4: Principles of cortical areas and their implications for neuroimaging (Petersen et al., 2024)

November 18: You Have to Read This (Croxson et al., 2021) and Writing in Science (Schimel, 2012; Chapter 1 in Writing science: how to write papers that get cited and proposals that get funded)

December 2: Science Writing as Storytelling (Schimel, 2012; Chapter 2 in Writing science: how to write papers that get cited and proposals that get funded) and Making a Story Stick (Schimel, 2012; Chapter 3 in Writing science: how to write papers that get cited and proposals that get funded)

Future meetings

The benefits of preregistration and Registered Reports (Lakens et al. 2024)
“What will you do after?”: Lessons from academia and the world beyond (Madan et al., preprint; see also volume 1 and volume 2 of book)
Causal inference for psychologists who think that causal inference is not for them (Rohrer 2024)
Causation in neuroscience: keeping mechanism meaningful (Ross & Bassett 2024)
An illusion of predictability in scientific results: Even experts confuse inferential uncertainty and outcome variability (Zhang et al. 2023)
More than meets the ITT: A guide for anticipating and investigating nonsignificant results in survey experiments (Kane 2024)
Data sharing and community-engaged research (Sabatello et al. 2022)
Recruiting students to the lab

Previous semesters

Spring 2024


February 5: Kuan-Hua Chen (UNMC)
March 4: Hillary Schwarb
March 18: Michael Walsh
April 1: Allie Angebrandt
April 15: Johannah Bashford-Largo
April 29: Jisheng Wu

CB3 Club

January 29: Big data, data science, and causal inference: A primer for clinicians (Raita et al. 2021)
February 12: Should psychologists sign their reviews? Some thoughts and some data (Lyman et al. 2019)
February 19:  Creative hypothesis generating in psychology: Some useful heuristics (McGuire 1997)
February 26: Good enough practices in scientific computing (Wilson et al. 2017)
March 25: Idea blitz
April 8: Authorship in team science (Fontanarosa et al., 2017)
April 22: PSYC 912B (MacKenzie Knabel and Rob Roy)
May 6: PSYC 912B (Anwyn Gatesy-Davis)

Fall 2023


Sept 11: Elizabeth Clausing (CB3 and UNL Anthropology)
Sept 25: Rahul Krishnamurty
Oct 9: Kimia Akhavein
Oct 23: Nicholas Balderston (University of Pennsylvania)
Nov 20: Muhammad Parvas (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai)
Dec 4: Ramsey Wilcox

CB3 Club

Sept 18: Perspectives on scientific error (van Ravenzwaaij et al., 2023)
Oct 2: Implementing code review in the scientific workflow (Ivimey-Cook et al., preprint)
Oct 30: Cancelled
Nov 6: Social sciences in crisis: on the proposed elimination of the discussion section (Schoenegger & Pils, 2023)
Nov 13: Theory before the test: How to build high-verisimilitude explanatory theories in psychological science (van Rooij & Baggio 2021)
Nov 27: Getting a job in industry (Cheng Lim)

Spring 2023


Feb 6: Katherine Moen (University of Nebraska - Kearney)
Feb 20: Ehsan Shokri-Kojori (NIAAA)
March 6: Youri Mora (Free University of Brussels, Center for Social and Cultural Psychology)
March 20: Ross Westemeyer
April 3: Mei Grace Behrendt
Apr 17: Johannah Bashford
April 24:  Eric Markvicka (UNL - Computing)
May 1: Cancelled

CB3 Club

Jan 30: The use of metrics as a decision tool in academia (Evan Lintz)
Feb 13: Design principles for data analysis (McGowan et al., 2022)
Feb 27: Considering non-academic jobs (Elise McCarthy; Farm Credit Services of America)
March 27: What makes a good graph (Susan VanderPlas; UNL - Statistics)
April 10: Ten simple rules for failing successfully in academia (Gaillard et al., 2022)
May 8: Melanin-concentrating hormone receptor antagonism dose-dependently attenuates nicotine-induced locomotion differentially between female and male rats (Isabel Kees Kuebler)

Fall 2022


September 12: Johannah Bashford
September 26: Anila D'Mello (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center)
October 10: Greg Bashford (UNL, Biological Systems Engineering)
October 24: Katie McNealy
November 7: Mengzhu Fu
November 21: Olivier Tuyizere and Christopher Gustafson (UNL, Agricultural Economics)
December 5: Jeanette Bennett (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)

CB3 Club

August 29: A large-scale study on research code quality and execution (Trisovic et al. 2022)
September 19: Sample size justification (Lakens 2022)
October 3: Careers in data science (Brandon Nutting)
October 31: Psychology needs to get tired of winning (Haeffel 2022)
November 14: Making a website in Quarto
November 28: The importance of social support networks in academic research (PSYC 913 students)

Summer 2022

CB3 Club

May 23: Seven steps toward more transparency in statistical practice (Wagenmakers et al. 2021)
June 6: Demystifying the academic job market (Sarah Eagan)
June 13: Importing and excluding Qualtrics data in R (Jeff)
July 11: Communicating what we know and what isn’t so: Science communication in psychology (Lewis & Wai 2021)
July 25: Automatically formating statistics in R Markdown with {papaja} (Jeff)

Spring 2022


February 21: Sahil Bajaj (Boys Town)
March 7: Jenna Finch
March 21: Hillary Schwarb (Beckman Institute, University of Illinois - Urban-Champaign)
April 4: Michael Walsh
April 18:  Yingying Wang
April 25: Nick Coles (Stanford)
May 2:  Kirstin Clephane

CB3 Club

January 31: Why hypothesis testers should spend less time testing hypotheses (Scheel et al. 2021)
February 7: Ten simple rules to improve academic work–life balance (Bartlett et al. 2021)
February 14: Ten simple rules to becoming a principal investigator (Tregoning & McDermott 2020)
February 28: Instability of near-hand effects: Two OSF pre-registered investigations of visual pathway manipulations (Morgan Jacoby)
March 28: Alexi Cranford & Haifaa Al-saadi [followed by talk by Nick Harp]
April 11: Kevin Miller & Isabel Kuebler

Fall 2021

September 13: Doug Schultz
September 27: Sarah Eagan
October 11: Anne Krendl (Indiana University)
October 25: Kimia Akhavein
Nov 8: Leen-kiat Soh, Cholwoo Peck
Nov 22: David Knight (University of Alabama at Birmingham)
Dec 6: London Wolff

CB3 Club

August 30: Science and indigenous knowledge (Billy Lim)
September 20: Ten simple rules for productive lab meetings (Golden et al.)
October 4: Writing down the unwritten rules of our labs (Jay Schalk)
November 1: Intra- and inter-personal factors shaping responses to emotional uncertainty (Nick Harp)
November 15: The science of stress and burnout and what to do about them (Tierney Lorenz)
November 29: A case for open science

Summer 2021
CB3 Club

May 24: Supervising the PhD: identifying common mismatches in expectations between candidate and supervisor to improve research training outcomes (Cardilini et al. 2021---presented by Nick Harp) [Zoom]
July 19: Peer review: The case for neutral language (Parsons & Baglini---presented by Doug Schultz) [Zoom]
August 9: How computational modeling can force theory building in psychological science (Guest & Martin---presented by Anne Schutte) [Zoom]
August 16: Precise answers to vague questions: Issues with interactions (Rohrer & Arslan---presented by Pierce Ekstrom) [Zoom]

Future CB3 Clubs

Design Principles for Data Analysis (McGowan et al., 2022)Spring 2021


February 1: Data Blitz (Nate Petro, Heather Bouchard, et al.)
February 15: Debbie Hannula (University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee)
March 1: Josh Cisler (University of Wisconsin)
March 15: Grace Sullivan
March 29: Zach Cole
April 12: Katie McNealy
April 26: Joe Lonstein (Michigan State)

CB3 Club

January 11: Data organization in spreadsheets (Broman & Woo 2018) [Zoom]
February 8: Persons as effect sizes (Grice et al. 2020) [Zoom]
February 22: Opportunities with MEG [Zoom]
March 8: The future of women in psychological science (Gruber et al. 2020) [Zoom]
March 22: Controversial issues discussion [Zoom]
April 5: Positivity effect in aging: evidence for initial positivity in response to emotional ambiguity from amygdala habituation (Nathan Petro) [Zoom]
April 19: Diversity discussion [Zoom]

Fall 2020

August 31: Christopher Gustafson
September 14: Nicholas Harp
September 28: Bart Rypma (UT Dallas)
October 12: Anne Schutte
October 26: Tracy Centanni (Texas Christian University)
November 9: Jessica Church (UT Austin)

CB3 Club

September 21: Towards reproducible brain-wide association studies (Marek et al., preprint) [Zoom]
October 5: Overview of Data Cleaning and Analysis (Professional & Ethics class presentation)
October 19: Self-Care and Avoiding Burnout in a Pandemic (Professional & Ethics class presentation)
November 2: Ways to Improve and Incorporate Inclusivity in our Teaching Practices (Professional & Ethics class presentation)
November 16: Conducting Online Research (handout) and Version Control with GitHub (Professional & Ethics class presentation)
December 7: The Hong Kong Principles for assessing researchers: Fostering research integrity (Moher et al., 2020) [Zoom]

Summer 2020
CB3 Club

May 18: PPE for psychologists (Tierney Lorenz)
Jun 8: Common academic experiences no one talks about (Jaremka et al. 2020) [Zoom]
Jun 15: White academia: do better [Zoom]
Jun 22: Do you see what I see? Color problems in research presentations (Josh Zosky) [Zoom]
Jul 13: Applying for grad school [Zoom]
Jul 20: Project management and workflows [Zoom]
Jul 27: Being actively anti-racist in our teaching, research, and mentoring (Sarah Eagan) [Zoom]
Aug 3: Pre-registration (Anneliis Sartin-Tarm) [Zoom]
Aug 10: Cross-validation: A method every psychologist should know [Zoom]

Spring 2020

Jan 27: Anneliis Sartin-Tarm
Feb 10: Kateri McRae (University of Denver)
Feb 24: Katie McNealy
March 16: Elise Thayer [Zoom]
March 30: Yinbo Wu [Zoom]
April 13: Grace Sullivan [Zoom]
April 27: Sarah Eagan and London Wolff [Zoom]

CB3 Club

Feb 3: Professionalism and ethics course syllabus
Feb 17: Ten common statistical mistakes to watch out for when writing or reviewing a manuscript
Mar 2: Equivalence testing for psychological research: A tutorial
Mar 9: Psychometric considerations for technology-enhanced assessments (Raymond Reichenberg)
Apr 6: Andrea Moran research projects [Zoom]
Apr 20: Heart rate variability (Tierney Lorenz) [Zoom]

Fall 2019

Sept 9: Anne Schutte
Sept 23: Rick Bevins
Oct 7: Jacqueline Snow (UN – Reno)
Oct 14: Sarah Gervais
Oct 28: Stuart White (Boys Town)
Nov 11: Psychonomics gear up
Nov 25: Shaun Vecera (University of Iowa)
Dec 9: Zach Cole
Dec 16: Ladan Ghazi Saidi (UNK)


CB3 Club

Sept 16: Assessing inter-individual differences with task-related functional neuroimaging (Nathan Petro)
Sept 30: Reviewing manuscripts
Nov 4: Multiple comparisons (Doug Schultz)
Nov 18: Machine learning (Karl Kuntzelman)
Dec 2: Slow science

Summer 2019
CB3 Club

June 3rd: The PhD experience (Sverdlik et al., 2018)
June 10th: Using Git
June 17th: R Markdown
July 1st: Applying for grant funding
July 8th: Improving the grad experience
July 15th: Data blitz
July 22nd: Crafting papers for publication (Patriotta 2017)
July 29th: Creating your own website in Github
August 5th: Confidence intervals
August 12th: Giving academic talks
August 19th: Jobs outside of academia

Spring 2019

January 14th: Cathleen Moore (University of Iowa)
January 28th: Evan Lintz
February  11th: Jon Freeman (NYU)
February 25th: Doug Schultz
March 11th: Yutong Liu (UNMC)
March 25th: Amanda Rodriguez
April 8th: Francine Goh
April 22nd: Maital Neta and Nick Harp

CB3 Club

February 4th: Catie Brown--Study design proposal
February 18th: Josh Zosky--Publication discussion panel
March 4th: Academic power dynamics
April 1st: Costs of reproducibility (Poldrack 2019)
April 15th: Minimizing mistakes in psychological science (Rouder et al. 2019)
April 29th: Beyond bar and line graphs (Weissgerber et al. 2015)
May 9th: Introduction to Bayes factors (note, this on a Thursday at 2pm in B60)


Fall 2018

September 10: Ming Li
September 24: Nathan Petro
October 8: Tim Pleskac (University of Kansas)
October 29: James Hoffman (University of Delaware)
November 5: Tentative Psychonomics gear up (Josh Zosky, Mengzhu Fu, Evan Lintz, et al.)
November 19: Yingying Wang 

CB3 Club

August 27: Grad Student Fellowships
September 17: Data privacy (Josh)
October 1: Graduate program requirements
October 15: Fall break
October 22: Alpha oscillation review
November 12: Psychonomics gear up (Francine Goh, Elise Thayer)
November 26: WEIRD psychology samples